My Career as a filmmaker,cinematographer and TV production

  • I was so excited knowing that I was going to have a baby cousin added to my family but our life that was supposed to be full of happy and memorial memories turned out to be a heartbreak and a roller-coaster of emotions. Here’s the story of my baby cousin Colter Knox On November 23rd…

  • My moms battle

    The one person who was my entire world had to be treated like shit and not cared for properly. Thrown around and forced to eat garbage of food knowing she couldn’t swallow. Fuckin why rehab centers refuse to do lines for feeding. Fucking why act like she was a some problem and to ignore our…

  • Lift off Global Network film festival of 2022

    As a filmmaker and cinematographer in college there’s so much more that I have to learn to become a successful filmmaker, cinematographer, writer, animator and videographer which is a few different things. I previously entered my first film into Pinewood Studios first time filmmakers short film festival and I was so honored to just get…

The Hosts

Samantha and Olivia are both writers and activists.

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